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Any number of public health emergencies could occur in Independence and the surrounding areas ranging from natural disease outbreaks to deliberate acts of terrorism involving the use of biological agents.

Public health has a significant role to play in emergency response. Public health’s main functions are to provide the community with a plan to maintain good health, to prevent its citizens from getting ill, and to control the spread of disease. Once a public health threat is suspected or identified, the responsibility of public health is to coordinate the overall response. This requires conducting an epidemiological investigation to determine the source, informing medical providers of the status of the situation, providing prophylactic antibiotics or vaccines as appropriate, and informing the general public how to respond to protect themselves.

To find more information on metro-wide preparedness activities and how you/your family can be more prepared at home, please visit Prepare Metro KC.

Personal Preparedness

In any emergency it is important to be able to take care of yourself and your family for at least 48 hours. Follow these three steps to be Ready in 3:

  1. Create a Plan
    Your family might not be together when an emergency happens so it is important to have a plan to place for all situations. Talk with your family about how you will reach each other at work, school, and different situations.

    Plan how you will contact each other and what to do if you are asked to stay in your home or if you are asked to leave the area.

Download a family plan

  1.  Prepare a Kit
    Make sure you have an emergency kit put together for your home, your car, your work and for your pets.  Keep smaller kits in your car and at work. Your car kit can include maps, extra gas, etc.

    Items for your emergency kit should include:
  • Water - 1 gallon per day per person
  • Canned and dried food
  • Battery powered radio
  • Flashlight
  • Extra batteries
  • Prescription medications
  • First-aid kit
  • Warm clothing and blankets
  • Food and water for your pets
  1.  Listen for Information  

    It is important to stay calm in an emergency. Gathering as much information about the situation as possible. Listening to the news and radio for new information. The City of Independence has developed many emergency plans and will release timely updates to the public during an emergency. In the event of an emergency, listen for instructions and advice. 

Specific Hazards

Click on any of the icons below for more information on specific hazards that can affect our region.